Sinners who art on earth, behold the masterpiece of horror! I can’t resist to make a philosophical reading of the film, helped on by Foucault. If the most evident level of dread stems from the possession of a sweet young girl by an ancient demon, another less obvious layer is much more significant. The movie starts by showing the child as bright, blooming, active - at most shaken up by her parents' recent divorce. As the doctors get more and more hold of her, kicking off with medication then moving forward with invasive, shocking tests & treatments, she gradually loses her self. As such, it's the cold, instrumental, dehumanizing gaze of the medical institution that is the most terrifying.
这卡司真是前十分钟就见了一打熟人了。。。这片子真是抑郁啊要用8集破一个案子嘛线越铺越多。岳父演牧师真是笑cry啊,9.1短视频安装不限速还有提提同学您能别老撅嘴么╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭看完更抑郁了扶额。。。